Plot- 4.5/5
I believe the plot to be extremely believable, how the whole world goes to shit. People begin looting, the world descends into martial law, the government loses control. Especially how the virus spreads, and how it’s airborne
Graphics- 5/5
The graphics are fucking flawless. Naughty Dog has always been good at graphics, and makes mostly everything on point, from the detailed plants/fungus growing off of the zombies, to the animations of the body & face on the people.
Acting- 4.5/5
The voice acting is pretty good, some of it is a bit off, like the voices sound closer/further than they should, but that’s expected. The emotion was conveyed well, and their thoughts & words were conveyed well through each of the actors.
Gore- 3/5
Special Effects/Sound- 5/5
The sound of the zombies is amazing, it’s extremely fitting, and scary, as they utilize echolocation to find their targets from the third stage and onward, so the clicking sounds send shivers down my spine. The music is pretty fitting, they try to keep most of the music to the minimum, so it’s more realistic.
Overall Score- 4.8/5 BRAINS
Overall I really enjoyed the game. From killing zombies, to looters, to governmental officials. Flipping my shit at every jump scare, each plot twist, and character death. Everything the game contributed added to it's playability, and actually made you feel attached to each and every character that you met along the way. Nothing felt too forced, and it was pretty linear within its line. I'd recommend this game to anyone, and am having my friends play it.
General Summary:
First I’ll discuss the virus: The Cordyceps Brain Virus.
The virus started in the US in late September 2013, after months of prolonged infection, about 2/3rds of humanity was either killed or infected. The virus after infection goes through to the host's brain. Once there it overrides brain function, beginning Phase 1, Runners, the fungus begins to grow within them, whilst they’re still living, and begins to alter the human, making them hyper-aggressive, similar to that of 28 Days Later. Phase 1 begins between 1-3 days. As the infection continues to alter them, the fungus begins to grow through the skin. Beginning within 1-3 weeks the infection causes the victim to have higher brain function, but still overrides any rational thought. The virus causes them to wait & hide for victims, dubbing the phase 2, the name Stalker. Stage 3, Clickers, have fungus completely growing through their brain, blinding the victim, causing them to utilize echolocation. Stage 4: Bloaters, the virus has completely covered the body, making a fungal armor, they can also throw parts of themselves, causing spores to erupt, instantly turning anyone in the vicinity of the blast.
The virus plaguing the nation is known as the cordyceps brain infection outbreak. It’s airborne, and turns infected within a few hours of the outbreak. The story begins with Joel, our main character, a father of one, losing his daughter at the beginning of the apocalypse, to a gunshot wound inflicted by a patrol officer trying to contain the outbreak. Fast forward 20 years, and we’re shown a now late 40’s Joel, with a woman named Tess, relationship towards her is unknown, but assumed romantic at some point in time. They are double crossed by a shitty business partner, whom they go to kill, which they do. Turns out he gave their provisions to the Fireflies, a rogue group, set on freeing people from the current corrupt government. Marlene, the leader, bribes our protagonists, Joel & Tess, to bring a girl, Ellie, to the outskirts of the county. Once they got to the edge of the specified town, they’re captured by the government, and were to be brought to justice, but were first checked for infection, both Tess & Joel were negative, but when Ellie was tested she was positive. Ellie stabs one of the soldiers in the leg, and Tess & Joel are forced to kill them. They then confront the girl… she’s immune. They’re tasked with dropping off the cure of the virus, and they have a long journey ahead of them.
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